Tarjinder Bhullar: Manmeet's Mission Continues As We Remember The March 25 Kabul Gurdwara Attack
Reflecting back now on March 25, when we as a family first heard the news of the 25 lives cut short, we felt the pain. We knew that this was exactly the thing Manmeet was working to prevent.
Tarjinder Bhullar: Manmeet's Mission Continues As We Remember The March 25 Kabul Gurdwara Attack
Tarjinder Bhullar: Manmeet's Mission…
Tarjinder Bhullar: Manmeet's Mission Continues As We Remember The March 25 Kabul Gurdwara Attack
Reflecting back now on March 25, when we as a family first heard the news of the 25 lives cut short, we felt the pain. We knew that this was exactly the thing Manmeet was working to prevent.